So I asked him: "Dubers, (his little nickname that we made up for him when he was two that means cutest little David in the world) what exactly does Mommacita mean?" The phone goes dead. I repeat the question. "What does Mommacita mean?"
"Um... Well..."
"Is it something bad?"
"Um....sort of."
"Well like how bad? Am I like a hootchie momma or something?"
"(nervous little laugh) Well, only just a little."
"So I'm just a LITTLE bit HOOTCHIE MOMMA? Or would I be a Hootchie Momma that is small in stature?"
"Pretty much all that. Um. Kind of." (more nervous laugh)
Here I've been sasshaying around in my mommacitaness for close to 9 years not really realizing the extent of my ever so confident sasshay.
In an effort to rise above, (the stuff my life is made of...) I tried to find some mommacita visuals for your viewing pleasure. Most of what I found I could NOT post, (might have offered too much pleasure) because, my fellow Americans, if you refuse to stand for something, you will fall for anything. (I heard that line (on a reality show) come out of the mouth of a bimbo. Seems fitting that we adopt it here.) Here are a few things that came up that were post worthy. First, we have

This is the last mommacita picture I am willing to post. I'm kind of wondering why google brought her up on the mommacita search. Maybe she's little in stature.
When someone takes my picture as mother of the groom at Mitch's wedding, am I going to end up on some one else's blog to illustrate the meaning of Mommacitahootchiemama-ness? The Horrors.
Whilst in my search for visuals, I ran across an urban dictionary site quite by accident. There was a word on it called "Hootard". It means: "anyone who is so dumb that they would be considered stupid in Whoville." While I love my golden boy Dubers like no other, I still believe that since I made up the name Dubers 24 years ago, I can change the meaning now if I wish. The new meaning of Dubers is Hootard. I don't think he reads this blog anyhow.
ps I'm still keeping Mommacita. The new meaning of Mommacita is lovely lovely kind and lovely woman.
I think Mommacita should include being just a tad bit sassy, too; a toned down Cher.
Can I just say that I LOVE CHER? I LOVE HER. I, in fact, watched Moonstruck with Go just a couple of nights ago and said out loud, after she slaps Nicholas Cage TWICE and yells "Snap out of it!", "Cher is just so good at being...Cher." And so it is with you Auntie Mary, Mommacita is just so good at being Mommacita.
Oh YOU are just the CUTES!!! That is your nickname. thecutes.
It means the opposite of hootard.
If anyone can handle the name of Mommacita, you can. You must OWN the name, love the name, make the name the best it can be. By the way, the last picture you posted reminds me a bit of my mother-in-law. Hmmmmmmm. Oh, and Moonstruck is one of my favorite movies ever.
I will own the name, but only if you visualize Charo every time you call me it. Your nickname is Charo.
Don't worry, I can Yeeeeeeeeewoooooo with the best of them.
Speaking of sons---let me know how to get ahold of Mitch. We are blessing Skye on Sunday and would love to have him there.
hahahaha. amazing mom. yes a mamacita is a little...well you know. but in chile, we would also call the lady who would do our laundry, clean our house, and make us food. i thought i should sum that one up for you.
That is just great.
ps. Mitch, are you interested in being the golden child? There is an open spot.
I love the Cher pics you added to capture the true definition. Although, you are on totally different level then that piece of work. You are one of a kind girl.
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