Sunday, December 21, 2008

Coulda Woulda Shoulda

Let's just have a big ol' lookey lou at the huge elephant in the room.

I've been a slacker. A big time slacker. And it's not that I haven't had anything to blog about. I'm admitting it. I've slacked. Mommaslacker. Slick Slack Slackstereesta for those of you who speak Espanol. But today we're snowed in from church and there's nothing to do because the BabyDaddy is back and I am no longer in the Daddycita role. So I'm going to blog instead of get out of my pajamas on this snowy day. So maybe I'll write about something I could have blogged about if I had been a blogger in the past 21 days. Not that anyone was counting. Or caring. (Insecurity Binkie Anyone?)

Like I could tell you about the time I dragged a newborn and his mother to Costco and while we were in there it went from being a beautiful sunny day to getting dark and pouring down buckets of water and it was cold and I had no coat and the umbrella was in the trunk of the car and I left the newborn and his protector in Costco while I went to get the car only I couldn't remember where I parked it. So there I was, in the dark rainy parking lot walking to and fro, and to and fro in the wet wondering where my short term memory had gone. And I couldn't concentrate on finding the car because I could only think about feeling sorry for myself because I was getting soaked. So I went back into Costco and got a stupid Costco travel booklet that had pictures of people in their swim suits on the beach to use for a hat (no, I didn't fold it into a hat, because THAT WOULD MAKE ME LOOK STUPID. I just opened it up and held it there for a hat, wishing all the while it had a chin strap...because I would have used a chin strap, stupid or no, because the wind had kicked up) and so I went back to walking to and fro some more, this time concentrating on why does this junk happened to me which once again didn't help me find the car. So then I reached that point on the emotional thermometer that says DESPERATE and I actually considered running into Costco crying and asking the employees for help. I actually thought this. And in my thought scenario I saw myself running in there screaming like I had been robbed or stabbed. So I had lost not only my short term memory but my ability to reason, because I almost did it. Can you imagine? The only thing that stopped me was that I also imagined the Costco Employee Lunchroom filled with Costco employees laughing about me. And maybe blogging about me. Because employees love to pass along stupid moron stories.

So I gave myself a slap in the face and girded up my loins and found my stupid car. And my daughter admitted she had laughed at me while she was waiting there watching it all happen but was stabbed with guilt so then she prayed for me. And I'm sure that her prayer and my slapping incident happened simultaneously. It is Sunday after all and I should tell a Churchie story that will inspire you to live a better life.

Orrrrrrrrr, I could tell you how much I love babies. Babies that belong to my family. I could tell you how much of a pleasure it has been hold, cuddle, sniff, soothe, change, rock, pacify, bathe, lotion, massage, observe and run my lips over a baby's cheeks. And I could tell you how much I've liked watching his mother turn into a mother. It has been a joy. I've been taught my whole life that your posterity can bring you joy. It is the truth. I could also tell you how much I've appreciated the opportunity to live side by side with that mother and baby for the last six weeks. I could tell you what a privilege that has been for me. I could post about that.

But using my greatly honed ability to reason skills I decided that you needed a Churchie story.

How could I not fall in love?

PS. Me telling my absolutely true Churchie story is almost the same as me speaking in church so I think that maybe I should tell the leaders of my congregation that I had my turn speaking in church today so go ahead and check me off on the list. Oh, you know they're falling for it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pea-nut, Peanut Butter...........JELLY!

The peanut butter 'n' jelly of the Mommacita trifecta is here!!! In case you didn't get that, the peanut butter 'n' jelly was a lame literary attempt to say the middle of the grandson sandwich has been born!!! Peanut butter and jelly being the middle of the sandwich. This kid is the middle of 3 grandsons. Get it? GET IT? I put the most important words in bold blue print for those of you who are slow.

Because apparently there was a couple of people out there that didn't get that last blog entry. (No body in this house is looking to Over eaters Annonymous for anything because denial denial denial is the lay of the land. It (the blog post) was all infantile satire. So snap out of it. Get it? GET IT?

Getting on with it:

To Jakeadoodlenoodle and his lovely perfect wife Jenkneeeshah a son was born today, weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz, and being 20 inches in length. His name is: BRRRRRRRRRRDT (that was a Gilmore Girls drumroll)

Benjamin Timothy

Happiness reigns supreme here and abroad.

Wish I had a picture. This will have to do.

Trifecta Mothers: Schneebes, delivered 11/6/08, Larsa, not too distant future, Jenkneesha 12/01/08.
Two down, one to go.