Thursday, April 17, 2008

Conversation With an Idiot

Self: I just finished a blog post
Irrational Self: I wonder if anyone has commented yet

Self: Stop thinking about the comments
Irrational Self: You should just go look. It's been 10 minutes now.

Self: This is overtaking my life
Irrational Self: Maybe someone has said something funny

Self: I think I should go a day without posting because I am becoming an ensy beensy teensy bit weird about it
Irrational Self: Someone is lying to themselves. You're ALL the way weird about this

Self: Regardless, I need to be fully aware of every situation because there is blogging potential in everything that happens.
Irrational Self: You're becoming like those women who buy scrapbook paper with matching stickers and then dress the kids in clothes that match the paper and the stickers and then take them to the zoo and then take pictures of the kids in the clothes (that match the paper and stickers) and then create a scrapbook page that is entitled 'Animals at the Zoo' so that you never ever forget the good times had by all at the zoo. Plus you've become the master of the run on sentence.

Self: Is my irrational self is starting to make sense?
Irrational Self: Um. Hello. You almost wrote a blog today about having skin tags removed.

Self: The skin tag removal was chock full of good material.
Irrational Self:

Self: I need help
Irrational Self: I concure


Annie said...

Hey, does this outfit make my blog look fat?

P.S. - I think I'm in love with your sidebar picture. And yes, I will go marry it, then.


My blog is just big boned.

Kasey said...

I like it when people, especially my people blog everyday. It keeps me busy. Because you know I don't have 2 kids, a baby I watch, housework to do, laundry to fold, bills to pay, pre-school lessons to prepare....I like it when you blog a lot.

Taryn said...

Blog on, crazy lady! It's like being at the G-lock reunion EVERY DAY! I love it!

Debbie said...

I don't think you're an idiot. I think you're pretty.

Emily said...

So last night I left a very comment on this post @ 11:45 pm. Rob was away so I stayed up late blogging. All of the sudden I heard the garage door opening (he's home!) and I ran to the bed. Thus, he wouldn't know I'd spent my whole night blogging, when I should have been sleeping. But my funny comment was not posted and now it doesn't apply. So know I left a funny comment but my shame of blogging got the best of me.


Emily, you're teasing me right? RIGHT? You're teasing me to make me more insane. Right? I want my funny comment back.

Emily said...

okay, so you are just about the funniest blogger EVER!!! I'm not a stalker, just a peeker - but I love it so keep the posts coming.


If you think I'm funny then you can peek or stalk.

Emily said...

So here it is or was:

It's 11:45 pm.
And yet I blog.
I have a very bad cold.
And yet I blog.
My RS lesson isn't finished.
And yet I blog.
The baby will wake soon.
And yet I blog.
I should be asleep.
And yet I blog.
I am starving.
And yet I blog.
Some of dinner is on my shirt.
And yet I blog.
Perhaps I should eat that.
And yet I blog.
Step away from the computer.
And yet I blog.
This is an uncontrolable disease.
And yet I blog.

Mary-Mar, you are not alone in this blogging world. Some call this a weakness but We Bloggers call it a strength. So power up girl and know that you are not a Idiot, but a true Genious!

Jared*Shawna*Skye*Bree said...

Thanks Auntie Mary--April birthdays do kick butt!! If only I could of held Skye in for just one more day;)

Shalyse said...

no funny comments...just laughing my BUTT off right now!

Meredith said...

your irrational self just did a button of peyote and therefore is ALL FINE AND SUPPORTIVE of you blogging about skin tags or whatever you fancy.