When a girl is a girl, she does girlish things, but when she's a woman she puts away the girl stuff. Or whatever that saying says. I've been contemplating the last two days, what it is that I have to put aside as I get older. And because every pancake has two sides, I have also been thinking about what, if anything, I gain.
First of all, I'll never ever go to sleep again without one of these:

Next on the agenda for Geezerville is this: I have to draw my eyebrows on every morning.
I know, I know, that picture is creepy, but it's creepy that I have to draw on my eyebrows every stinking morning. Where did they go? I've always been fair of face and hair, and I have always used a pencil, however I have to use TWO DIFFERENT ONES now. One to put the color on, and one to keep it on. If I don't use the second one, then my eyebrows just slide off...to who knows where? Do they evaporate? Have you heard of eyebrow evaporation before? Because I have it now. Is it a medical condition?
Which brings me to the next thing: medical conditions. While I'll give you that I don't need a pregnancy test ever again; as one grows older, one's ears start perking up to medical conditions that begin to plague you and your peer group. When I was young, we would all sit around and tell birth stories. The bigger, the scarier, the more screaming the better. It didn't matter how many times we heard a story of birth, we always listened like it was for the first time. We were horrified yet couldn't seem to cover our ears. We had to hear it. We had to speak it. And our stories got better with age. I was able to tell birthing baby stories that covered just about every single way someone could birth a baby. I can't really tell you at what age we stopped with the birthing of baby stories, but stop it has. We've moved on to more fertile ground.
We still have to hear it, and we still have to speak it, however the subject has switched from giving life to watching it go haywire. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've heard. And, I hang my head in shame to admit this: Shared. Head stuff. Mouth stuff. Cyst stuff. Bowel stuff. Goiter stuff. Vein stuff. Stuff growing where it doesn't belong stuff. And the ever popular night sweat stuff. It is not pretty. And from what I hear, all roads lead to Depends. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I sure do appreciate my bladder. viva los bladders. VIVA LOS BLADDERS!!!!!
I think I might have sounded a little out there and lunaticish just now. Despite all this, there's something worth rejoicing over. I rejoice over the fact that I'll never ever ever ever have to wear, or can never ever ever ever be made to feel like I should wear anything like this Or this:
Between that, the no pregnancy test thing, and being in the middle of the viva los bladder window, I'd say I'm living pretty large.
I knew it. You all wish you were 53.
there is SO much more dignity to authentic eyebrows mysteriously disappearing and THAT being the reason one must paint them on daily, than the other alternative that 90% of my 7th grade class had to claim. that is they plucked off their eyebrows quite purposefully and then proceeded to draw on g-funk gangster eyebros every single day. then they rued the day. happy happy bday.
I feel the need to set the record straight. No g-funking going on here. I have never plucked a single hair ever. However, my hairdresser waxes some stray hairs off the brow bone every month, only it is a bogus waxing in my opinion, because there are only see through hairs there. I don't know why she does it. She doesn't even charge me...she says she likes doing it. How could that be? I think she does it so she can laugh with my other friends who also go to her about my transparent eyebrows. I am in Jr. High again.
Wow, Mommacita, love the new black patent leather "shoes." (can we really call them that?) I hope my legs look as good as yours do when I'm 53.
My legs look like my mother's and they are the same hue and value. Think again Miss Annie.
um...you backing into that lightpost at the Stake Center...CLASSIC! I still remember that night!!! :-)
Um. I hit it head on at 8:30 in the morning. t-boned the car. and yes. it was classic
You crack me up mom. Here I am alone in my apartment, belly laughing at the images you have so beautifully helped conjure up in my fantastical mind. Viva la Mommacita!
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