Monday, August 25, 2008

The much anticipated MOGA's

It's true. They're over. And even though I'm ready to move on, I cannot. I cannot do it until we have the first annual Mommacita Olympic Goodstuff Awards. Then I'm done. It's like a wedding for a son. It's not over until the open house is done. And I'm so very done. There will be no more blogs about it. I'm firm on this. I know you're sad (or secretly doing a toe touch which is a difficult cheerleader maneuver. Shawn Johnson did some on floor exercise just so you know).

Let me tell you how these awards work. First, we all get dressed up in sparkly clothes. Then we put on too much makeup. Preferably with sparkles in it. Then we use too much hairspray. Then we put on really spiky heels. For you fellas out there, (Paul) this might be awkward. And misunderstood. You don't need to don a dress or heels. But I must insist on a sparkly costume. I'll explain everything to future employers. After we all look fabulous, then we all gather together in cyberspace and clap after each award. Because of the MOGA'S low budget nature, you will need to bring your own refreshments.

Our First MOGA Award is:

MOST AESTHETICALLY PLEASING and the winner is the Russian Rhythmic Gymnast Eugena Kavaeva. I learned the words aesthetically pleasing in college and I love to use them. Thus.

This gold medal routine was breath taking. I'm not usually a fan of this sport, because it seems so ridiculous to throw hoops around and lay on balls and such, but really truly, I grew to appreciate it as I watched this gal. She's my girlfriend and worth donning a sparkly dress for. And I decided that these girls had more normal bodies than the regular stunted gymnast body. And their voices did not sound like mice. That's always a plus.


Yes. I notice those things. Primarily because you are forced over and over to look at people hopping around in leotards and speedos and skimpy little running under pants so why not give an award to the athletes that don't look like they haven't had a meal in years? Pretty sure I could have worded that better.

It seemed to me that DIVERS could start out looking like this:

But pretty soon end up thrilling the world with this:

I'm not blind you know.

So HEALTHIEST LOOKING BODIES goes to DIVERS. Both men AND women. The world of sports needs good healthy role models. Big ol' thank you for that.


How could it not be the Water Cube? Such Fun!!


There are little girls all over America taking their Barbies with them to the bath tub and playing synchronized swimming. That's exactly what I would have done. Which probably explains alot right about now.


Hold your over 16 year old heads high girls. The MOGA supports those who play fair.


Oh, you already know how MOGA feels about this lil' rascal. He was a shoe in.


If Michael were needing to give blood right this minute, it would be a really good time for the phlebotomist. The stick is RIGHT there.


And I'm talking mainly about the glutes.

And finally, this may seem heresy, especially to certain people in my family who went to bed every night starring at a poster of this, and dreaming that someday sometime the same thing may happen to them, but move over Michael. There's a new boy in town


I regret to inform you that I think he has you beat M.J. And that is why he is my boyfriend even though he reportedly made out with an Austrailian Gold Medal Swimmer behind the bird's nest.


Annie said...

"Who are you wearing?" yelled an obnoxious interviewer as I walked the raspberry-colored carpet to the MOGAS just now.

"Capezio!", I said into her cotton-candy-pink microphone with a dazzling smile.

"I just love this beading," she gushed as she guestured in a circular fashion around my multi-colored beaded neckline.

I looked down and conjured a blush. "Yes, these are genuine rhinestones," I said with feigned humility, as if embarrassed by the sheer luxury of it all.

"And the shoes?"

"I don't know, but they're vintage," I said, extending one strappy heeled foot.

"Oooo. And this is 100% lycra, I assume?", she said, admiring my cascading mermaid-cut, lime green sequined-edged skirt.

"Of course!" I playfully scoffed and we laughed conspiratorally because, really, who in their right mind would wear less than 100% lycra to the MOGAs?

Good times.

Autumn P. said...

LOVE the MOGAs!!! I would have included an award for: Most-excessive-display-of-celebration-after-most-incredible-display-of-physical-prowess. I think Usain Bolt takes the gold for that. The double-fingered-eyebrow swipe-to-the-heavens is now a Papritz favorite for all occasions.

And you've got to say something about that crazy angry Cuban karate guy.


To Annie and Autumn, two of my very very favorites:


Snorting water out my nose right now.

Beth said...

I don't know if I can go on without the Olympics, but most especially without your blog entries regarding the Olympics. Seriously. I am going to wear my sparkly costume from now on just to keep the feeling alive. It's pink, by the way, and just might include a feather boa.

MOMD! said...

You've done it again .... MADE MY DAY! I sound like a broken record - but you have GOT to publish! You are PRICELESS! ... and this most recent blog entry is one of my very favorites! I am even ready to buy a sparkly pink costume ... now that I think about it, I think I have one ... I wore it to Jennifer's wedding as the MOTB (Mother of the bride) ... hmmmm???? Where is it now??? Oh well, probably couldn't even get my big toe in it these days! ... and I thought I was fat then!!! Thanks again for making my day! You're the best!
PS check out my blog ... #16 due on March 16th! THRILLED!

e. said...

Mary - I think we should campaign for you to do interviews with the athletes next olympics instead of the stupid question asker that NBC had on the track. (Poor Lolo Jones). Their ratings would go way up.

Also, wanted you to know that a bunch of the YW in my ward are reading you now and think you are freaking hilarious.


Kristen said...

Totally love this post....totally, totally, totally!

Katelyn Marie said...

Sister G, please write another post. I check every day and I'm dying. --love Katelyn