Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tri Tri Tri (Sounds Chinese, eh?)

Dear Michael Phelps, my golden boy,

I just thought you might like to know. The word for the day in the Mommacita household is TRIAD. Please make sure you use this word 3 times today. It will bring gold.

1. a group of three, esp. of three closely related persons or things.

2.Chemistry. a group of three closely related compounds or elements, as isomers or halides.

3. Music. a chord of three tones, esp. one consisting of a given tone
(Mommactianess and Timoteeness) with its major or minor third and its perfect, augmented, or diminished fifth.

4. Military. the three categories of strategic-nuclear-weapons delivery systems: bombers, land-based missiles, and missile-firing submarines. (personally, since I don't have to raise them, I prefer this military definition. It reeks of machismo)

Schneebes: MANCHILD in November Larsa: MANCHILD in January Jenesha: MANCHILD in December.


jakeandlacey said...

I love your blog Mommacita! Its so fun to read. I've been blog stalking you long enough and I thought you should know about it :). Feel free to stalk back. I'm Matt's sister, Lacey, so I guess its not AS weird that I stalked you out. After all, Leigh does "command" people to check out your blog from her blog! I'm so excited for the Willie/Leigh man-child! He'll be such a stud!


Lacy! I am so happy that you commented. Leigh did not command everyone to comment and I wish that she would have because I am a total and complete weirdo about them. I love them. Love the comment.

People are you reading this? I love comments. And even more comments. Leigh! Hurry up and command people to comment. So I can find fulfillment in life.

Brooke Williams said...

NO WAY. 3 in 3 months. ALL BOYS!! Can't wait to see you guys in December!

Emily said...

Sorry, I was away on vacation and just now got to this post. I'm so excited for all the Manchildren. Yeah, for the garlock race. Congrats mommacita!!!