Monday, August 11, 2008

Even More Text Messages to China

Dear Park Tae Hwan,
Congratulations on your Silver Medal in the Men's 200 meter Freestyle Swim. I bet Korea is proud of you. Too bad my boyfriend Michael Phelps beat you, but whatcha gonna do? I was just wondering Park, does any one else besides me ever mistake your name for PAR-TAY?

Party on Park Tae,

Dear Chen Ye Pen,
While you don't have a name that sounds like party, you do have pretty strong arms, as was demonstrated tonight in the Men's Gymnasty Event on the Rings. Do your arm veins ever pop wide open and gush blood? Because they look like they might. You were pretty incredible up there hoisting around on those things. And I think there might be endorsement deals for you in the Chinese advertising world. You just wait and see, Chen Ye. That kinda rhymed.


Dear Boyfriend Michael Phelps,
I heard tonight your feet are size 14. And that you flap your arms 3 times before you swim. The camera zoomed in on your feet and Rowdy Gaines called you a condor. Does this bother you Michael? Maybe I need to text Rowdy?

Love you the mostest,

Dear Cameraman at the swim meets,
How does a young man feel who has size 14 feet when the camera zooms in on them making a big ol' deal out of them? I think not. I have my eye on you mister.

Love, Mommacita

Dear Momma Phelps,
Do you shop at Chicos? Me too!!


Dear Eric Shanteau,
Good luck on your swim tonight. You seem like boyfriend material as well, and Leigh didn't specify that she wanted Michael Phelps for her new daddy, she just wanted an Olympic Athlete. You MIGHT become my boyfriend. I can have two. You boys won't care, because I'm 53. I am pretty sure you will beat that cancer. Stay hydrated.

Your Mommacita


jenreeder said...

Dear Mommacita,
I am so thankful for your text messages, and your blog. I am a blog stalker of yours and thought that you might like to know who else is reading. I needed a "pick me up" today and these texts did the trick. Just thinking about your boyfriend, Michael makes me smile. Thank you for sharing him with the rest of the world.
Jen (Darling) Reeder
ps-- remember when I would babysit for you? now I have my own babies and I am a little freaked out that my youngest started 1st grade. Am I supposed to clean ALL day,now? I still don't really love doing that. Any suggestions?

Kasey said...

Glad you're enjoying the Olymipics!


Dear Jen
Yes. Yes. You ARE supposed to clean all day. Just like I did. I had the cleanest house in the entire universe when Mitch went to 1st grade.
and everyone thought wow is that mommacita ever clean, and too bad she doesn't have anything else in her life but cleaning.

OK. Not true. I went back to school. And it was fun.

And by the way, What are you doing being that old?

Love, Mommacita

Shalyse said...

you and michael make a REALLY cute couple! and his mom and you would make great friends...and you could go on shopping trips together.

and can I just tell you...I love you! you make me smile!!1 :-)

[AnnieR] said...

I got to read this text messages while waiting for my very, very delayed flight in the Charlotte, NC airport. I just want you to know yours in the only blog I went and checked during the time I was waiting because I knew it would be good. And it was. And I'm right there with you on our Pretend Boyfriend: Michael Phelps, except for the fact that he somewhat resembles Joseph but I'm letting it go for now.

Katelyn Marie said...

my favorite is your text to Michael's mom--hahaha Chico's: bringing mothers together since 1943.