Dear Ian Thorpe, aka. Thorpedo,
Thank you Thank you Thank you. Thank you for saying my boyfriend could not do it. They showed your face around the world when he did do it, Mr. Thorpedo. I certainly enjoyed that. Thank you, and G'day.
Dear World Wide Web:
Time to be singing that Queen song. All together now:
My Boyyyyyyyfriend's the champion of the world,
And he, kept on fighting till the ennnd. duhduh da a
He is the champ pion
He is the champpp pion
No time for Loooooooosers (like trash talking frenchies and auzzies)
Cause He is the Champion (gold medal champion, in fact 8 of them, not silver or bronze)......of the whuuuuurld
Dear Michael Phelps:
You know you're big when Kobe Bryant is jumping around and chanting your name. Please watch out for ruthless female types who want you only for your endorsement deals with General Mills. You are the Bomb-acita Boyfriend of the 21st Century. I LOVE YOU TO PIECES. Nicely done boyfriend, nicely done. Let's get married.
PS. Here are some Folks who were seen flashing the victory sign for you as soon as you punched the wall for the 8th time:
Winston Churchill. I heard he invented the victory sign. All for you Michael. All for you.
Paris Hilton. Because you're hot Mike.

Yoko Ono. Because she loves you. And Herself.

Some Random Guy Graduating from USC.
Hope. Hoping that's the victory sign

Super Mario. Lots of gold coins for you now Michael.

Yoko Ono again. She must like you a lot because there was a truck load of pictures of her flashing the victory sign for YOU, little cute stuff.

Dear Chinese Equestrian Park Designers,
I've got to say, aren't you the fancy pants designing all those ritzy jumps for the horses to jump over? Zany colors! And those little pagotas and bushes that look like dragons? Me O My! Disneylandesque! I think every one of those horses felt like they were on a giant Candyland board. I'm pretty sure a horse would like that.
Dear Horses that Competed in the Olympics,
It looked hot for you to be running around performing with a fur coat on. I could hear alot of you breathing heavy. When you got to the little set up that had a pool with water in it, were you tempted to stop and splash around a little?
Dear Women Marathon Runners,
I know you love what you do, however, I needed a nap and some extra Carbs after watching you come into the Bird's Nest.
PS I enjoyed the Carbs
Dear Dara Torres,
Sorry about getting your name wrong before. Take your 41 year old self and put on one of those red hats and go to lunch with your other red hatted friends and celebrate that medal. The gals on the View are going to be lovin on you.

Can I just say ew to the last picture?
I've been away, up in your neck of the woods, having a great time but with very little Olympics and no Mommacita blogging, so the combo of the both is double the pleasure.
Edgumacated me on a couple of events that I missed, so thank you for letting me live through you vicariously. You too are a giver so maybe you and Bela would be a good match. Mommacita Karolyi actually sounds far more lyrical than Mommacita Phelps...but I shant diss the king. And I'm totally trusting you on the spelling of your future last name.
When the Olympics are over I'd like you to explore expressions like "neck of the woods" as if there is a head and torso...
Hemingway...glad you got Dara's name right - I was a little embarrased for you.
And you love comments so since I am both Drew and Tiffany, always consider mine two insecurity binkies.
This is a test. I repeat this is a test. Johnny Boy is here with his techy skillz and thinks he's been successful at setting me up as my real self yomama, which I am not of course, but garlock is just way too boring and confusing since there are so many of us and theoretically could be you...until you become Sister Karolyi of course.
And at least this offspring didn't test this run by posting on his own blog that he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
Hi Leigh's mom! (I spent a short stint as her roommate.) Can I just tell you that you are a hilarious blogger? At first I didn't know whether or not to laugh or be offended (thinking you were making fun of all those crazy serious bloggers out there!), but you are awesome! You add lots of laughter into my home. So I just wanted to ask you if I could post a link to your blog on mine. That way more people can find you and shoot what their drinking out of their nose! :)
No Problem
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