Monday, June 16, 2008

Mommacita's Favorite Things Summer Issue

If Oprah gets away with this, so can I. And everyone in the audience gets free stuff. Whatever my favorite thing is, you, the audience will get it for free!

( Mommacita, you are dang impressive)

Favorite Summer Thing #1:


I know I know. You're thinking: Whoo Hoo Wee Hee big stinking deal. Ice. She likes ice. And because she promised me free presents of her favorite things, now I'm getting free ice. Everyone knows about ice. She's dumb. (just so we're on the same page here, nobody is getting anything free. That was fake) So anyway, I've just discovered ice. Really, truly, I've just discovered ice. I like ice. I like STORE bought ice in my beverages now. It's delish. And no one can take that away from me no matter how boring it is. Moving right along:

Favorite Summer thing #2:

This brush

This little number is Mac Brush #179, and it is big and fluffy and I am using it to put on this:

Summer Favorite Thing #3:

Don't see anything? That's because the picture I downloaded of Mac Leg Sheen is full of errors. and it won't do it's thing. But if you have pasty white legs just like mine, and have tried multiple self tanners (in an effort to remove the blinding glare in effort to show charity to your fellow man) and they streak or are THE WRONG COLOR even though you have exfoliated TWICE then this is for you. It even looks good on toes and feet (a problem area wouldn't you agree?). The brush enables a smooth and even color. (And applying it is like painting a picture for you art lovers out there) It washes off with soap and water, but will not stain your clothes. And best part? Instant gratification. As soon as you put it on, bingo. You are tan. It is loverly. I brush it on right above my boot, and so when I take off my boot, I have a boot farmer's tan.
Kidding. That's twice I've suckered you in this blog.

Summer Favorite Thing #4

Green Leaf Lettuce by these folks This bag o'lettuce is the best bag o'lettuce I have ever tried. I buy it at Costco, and it comes all washed and it tastes like lettuce, and the leaves are all separated and it's just the nicest bag 'o' lettuce a widow lady could ever want. I will warn: It is a BIG bag'o'lettuce. It takes up major space in the frig. BUT, You don't have to wash it in bleach water. That last comment was a jibjab at YOU Leigh who NEVER blogs. Oh you read everybody else's, but do you return the favor?

Summer Favorite Thing #5

Leigh's Belly. I saw it on SKYPE today. It's the cutes and it has a baby in it.

My blogs are too long. Don't lie, I've looked at the other blogs, and mine go on for ever and ever and it embarrasses me. I was also going to highlight grape tomatoes, because I'm really into those at the moment, and dark chocolate covered jojos (like oreos only better) from Trader Joes but I don't have the energy and I'm hungry now and my blogs always go too long. So all you summer lovers out there, all 4 of my readers, you go treat yourself to some of Mommacita's Summer Favorites. And think of me. Especially every time you have ice. Obviously, I'll take any attention I can get.


Kris "to the" Ten said...

I think ALL your favorite things are fabulous. And I like how you juts "put it all out there" for everyone to know...I too love ice, "popcorn ice" aka hospital ice is the best.

I am jealous you got to spend the evening with Shalyse the other night. I need my Mary fill. xoxo

Shalyse said...

why is DA BOOT not on your summer favorites list?

tell Leigh to get that belly on the blog! :-)

and it was SO much fun hanging with you the other night...always a crack up!


Das boot is not a summer favorite. It is a summer classic.

Brooke Williams said...

MARY! so good to find you here--and i love grape tomatoes too, because they're the only ones that actually taste like TOMATOES. and i am gonna have to get some of this magical tanner, sounds like heaven.

Kasey said...

I was recently introduced to MAC brushes. I'm in love!

Kari said...

Hi Mary, I'm finally commenting! Found you through Shalyse. I'd have to get your email to add you to mine. If you're interested, email me at:
Anyway, LOVE your summer fav's. Fun idea!
~Kari Caulder

Beth said...

We disconnected the ice maker to our fridge years ago and have been enjoying store bought ice ever since. It really is the only way to go.

Acker Family said...

So I'm finally coming out of the dark to you Mary friend. This is Amanda (uram) Acker-I hope you remember me! I saw you in the friendly isles at Wal-Mart a while back! I love your blog and it seriously makes me smile, if not laugh, every time I read it!

Debbie said...

Grandbaby belly bumps are my favorite thing, too.

Dehner Family said...

Would this be the ice with the hole in the middle. Love that kind of ice - except I try and stick my tongue through the hole and it end ups freezing my taste buds.