Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Know You've Been Waiting for This

Here they are ladies and gentlemen, fresh as a purple daisy from the Denver Temple, announcing America's newest newlyweds: Mr. and Mrs. Glitch.
How pretty are these two?

And here's what they will look like in 4 years
(and no, this is not an announcement or a plea for grandchildren. It is purely for comic relief. and aren't they cute?):

And here is the groom with his Dear Sweet Grandmother just after she slipped him some Fruit Flavored Trident gum so he could have fruity fresh breath for later on. I'm not so sure that's a good thing, but whatever.And here is a hair shot. The groom has benefited from those biweekly hairclub for men visits and the bride's is tastefully lovely. Notice french braiding above bun. Tres Chic Glo, Tres Chic.

Here are some sweet sweet babes. 5 to be exact.
Glo's backyard garden party. with CAKE! This picture doesn't really show it, but the reception decor was FAB. The prettiest I have ever seen. The flowers were STUNNING. And the food was ever so tasty. Did I mention the cake?
First dance as Glitch. Drunken bridesmaids in background. JUST KIDDING.
Jake acting filly sunny. C'mon. You can get this. silly funny.
I removed daz bootz for the pictures so I could wear for 10 minutes the shoes I so painstakingly picked out. My sons are ridunkulous. But notice how the temple cooperated with the Glitch color scheme of purple purple purple. So accommodating and gracious. I will definitely go back.

Cue trumpets. And Angel voices. Loud and crescendoing ones. With a cymbal at the end
The producers of this blog would like to thank the Dubes for all these photos.
Art Direction by Jakers. Pretty sure these boys got bored during the picture taking phase.

More Wedding news to come.

You can hardly wait.


Dehner Family said...

How great. What a good lookin couple. I esp like the picture of your boot under the waterfall with the temple backdrop.

Brent said...

Your seester Diana here: Beautiful wedding! But seriously, Mary, don't you think your family is just a leetle pasty? Also, I'd like to know where in Highlands Ranch your lady Gloria lives? Our backyard there was the size of a postage stamp. And another thing - are you ever going to tell us the WHOLE story about your boots?

Emily said...

The BLONDE CLUT is complete!!! I love the pictures. You are a very blessed mother to have such beautiful children and beautiful in-laws. I wish GLITCH all the best.

PS. More pictures would be greatly appreciated, they're the best.

Kari said...

I seriously love reading your blog. Keep 'em coming.

Beth said...

Very beautiful indeed. That is one attractive and happy looking couple. Also, a wedding wouldn't be a wedding without some fruity gum goodness from grandma love-it.

meadowgreenyw said...

Debbie here---
Sorry we couldn't make it----Looks like a fabulous time was had by all. We hope to get those two over here for Sunday dinner a time or two before they go back to THE BYU. Mitch works ALL the time, so we haven't seen much of him :(
PS...We have a YW blog---fun--you should start one if you don't have one already.

Debbie said...

And one more thing----well two more---Those two are darlin'----and I love Grandma Margaret's "wedding" dress. We have pictures of her in that dress in my kids' wedding pictures. I think---all of the weddings!!

Benjamin Rubenstein said...

The bridesmaid in blue looks wasted. nice.

Annie said...

Aw. What a pretty, pretty couple. I would have liked to have been there to rub Leigh's belly as well.

Das boot ez goot!