"I'm a bringing these here pants back because they're a way too tight in the crotch."
One comment:
I could have gone all day without hearing that.
A few questions:
Why, when one hears something like that, does one feel a compelling need to turn one's head and look at the person delivering such a comment? Why can't we just leave it alone? Why do we need a visual to go along with the audio? Are we better off after we get the visual? Why the head turn then? Do we think we're going to somehow feel magically unsickened if we get the visual? What do we do with the visual once we get it? How can I make it stop?
One comment:
I could have gone all day without hearing that.
A few questions:
Why, when one hears something like that, does one feel a compelling need to turn one's head and look at the person delivering such a comment? Why can't we just leave it alone? Why do we need a visual to go along with the audio? Are we better off after we get the visual? Why the head turn then? Do we think we're going to somehow feel magically unsickened if we get the visual? What do we do with the visual once we get it? How can I make it stop?

If I have to have the visual, then so do you.
Oh yeah. Happy May Day.
I hope you penciled in your eyebrows this morning so you could give him some quality eyebrow wriggles.
You really can get EVERYTHING at Wal-Mart! Did you point him to the maternity section?
I think you found signer upper guy's dad.
seriously??? this is hilarious!
Did you only look at his face? I think I would have been compelled...
oh you met my boyfriend!
He likes his pants LOOSE
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