Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big List of Sewing that is on a Blog

Welcome to my own big list of sewing that is on my blog. Like my other blogs, it is only sort of about sewing, and is really about pointless vignettes. Having cleared that up for legal purposes, let us begin our sewing journey, one and all, boys and girls:

Big List item #1:

When I was a little girl, I tried to teach myself to sew.

It was in 6th grade, when my friend, Shelley Thayne and I were going to be Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy for Halloween. I was the tallest, so I got to be the man. WHATEVER. We went to Fashion Fabrics and bought fabric. I insisted to my mother I could do it. How hard could it be? Shelley and I cut out our He She outfits together and then I was on my own. My Grammie ended up fixing/finishing my Andy costume after I had ruined the bobbin enough to make myself cry, made one sleeve shorter than the other, and boy howdy, there were serious issues with the crotch. (FYI, I hate the word crotch)

Mother was right again. Sigh. I didn't know what the heck I was doing and I didn't know how to sew.

Big list item #2:

The Utah Public School System stepped in, and pretty soon I could make a black and yellow daisy beach bag with the best of them.

Big List item #3:

Soon my mantra became:

In a sewing class I remember making a brown and creme wrap dress when I was a senior in high school that my mother told me was way too short. The sleeves turned out the same size. Plus there was no (insert that word I told you before I hate) in a dress to have to deal with.

Big List Item #4

I went to BYschMOO and had an assignment in a class in the art department. I had to create something with fiber. This time I bought fabric for a quilt in the po'folk section in the ZCMI bargan basement. I pieced together a quilt and set up quilting frames in my apartment. They took up the whole front room My roommates except for the two mean ones were so understanding.

Big List of Sewing item #5

I worked my brains out to get those 2 roommates out of my face and to close their yaps.

Yummy shiny hair. I was so healthy.

Big List of Sewing item #4
I experienced a

No, I did not make funky hats. I moved into a phase where I had little babies and no money and they needed pajamas and so I made pajamas. I sewed because I had to.
I couldn't wait to buy pajamas and stop sewing forever.
sewing =poverty sewing=poverty sewing=poverty
It was drummed into my spirit with a 500 pound mallet.
This is the part where you wipe away the tear.

Big Sewing List Item #5

By the time I got to the point in life where if I happened to sit at a sewing machine I didn't have a cryer at my legs, I started to sort of consider maybe sewing again.
I had been scarred you remember, by the poverty of my youth. It was serious, but you should understand that already if you had been paying attention to Big Sewing List Item #4.

I went to therapy

And now my sewing girls and I sit and sew and discuss amoungst ourselves.

In fact this weekend, at my very home, we made quilts for people we love while wearing our hose and tasteful pumps.
Unfortunately now, there's a bit of this:

Big Sewing List Item #7

Now, while I am validated by hot flash Barbie, I am much more satisfied by the reality that we share the yummie shiny hair factor. OK. That's a lie.

Big Sewing List #7 has nothing to do with sewing. And I have nothing to do with Barbie. I just liked thinking I might be able to fool you all into thinking I'm as pretty as hot flash Barbie. This IS the Internet and I AM anonymous after all.

Anonymously yours, Mommacita Bobita

PS My favorite part of this blog is you thinking I look like Barbie. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee


Emily said...

You are too cute. I've got to teach RS tomorrow. This time I'm going to distract them from my inability to teach by giving them Flipz Pretzels. Heres to hoping it works!

Beth said...

What are you talking about? You totally look like Barbie. The blonde hair, the fabulous smile. And I am inspired by your quest to sew. I only sew straight lines and an occasional curve. Perhaps I should try something with a crotch :)


Bethie, don't ever speak that word to me again.

leigh said...

hey mom,
member when you had to sew my ballet recital outfit because I didn't like my armpits showing? I was really glad that you could sew...I was so much more comfortable onstage with unrevealing armpits.


Hey Leigh
You can thank the home economic department to the Utah Public School system. And Yes. I member. You and your funky little armpit insecurities.