Thursday, January 22, 2009

Andrew's World

I opened my email this morning to find an article about this man, Andrew Wyeth, who died on January 16, 2009. An American treasure is gone. Many years ago I went to the big city, because a traveling exhibit of his controversial 'Helga' paintings was being shown in the museum there.

It did not disappoint. I remember being struck with the sensitivity that this man had to every bit of light and design and color. And his skill! I had never seen the likes of it! I almost felt like I knew Mr. Wyeth personally, because there his heart was on a canvas, explaining it to me. I remember 'Helga' taking my breath away, and I marveled at the capacity of mankind to do something magnificent. I went home inspired, hoping to do better at developing myself.

So, Andrew Wyeth, Thank you for your hard work and your dedication to your craft. And thanks for helping me to know that people can see the world in a beautiful light.

I love knowing what you felt and saw.

Goodbye Mr. Wyeth


Kent said...

Stacy and I have the painting "the dog sleeping on the bed" (not the official name) hanging in our room. I love it. By the looks of the other pictures you posted, we should get more of Wyeth's work.

Beth said...

I too am a fan. Love the pictures you chose to post.

Carolyn said...

Thank you for posting a Helga example. She is beautiful.