Well, today I watched Family Feud. Let me preface with I'm not much of a Family Feuder, but today I was vulnerable because of the boredom. Plus I was at someone else's house...so I became a Feuder. I'm good at fitting in. And I kind of liked being a Feuder today because today was Celebrity Look Alike Day on the Feud. SO COOL. David Letterman, but not really David Letterman was on, and Jennifer Anniston, and Martha Stewart, and Nicole Kidman. The Jennifer Anniston was a dead ringer. And It got me thinking. Are there people running around that look like me out there? Chances are there are. There's a fake Mommacita out there walking around, probably wearing really bad outfits just to embarrass me. And she's probably skinny without even trying. But before you think ha ha ha Mommacita, just think about it for a minute...if there's a fake me out there, then chances are there's a fake you as well. So ha ha right back at you.
After becoming a Feuder that fits in with others, I went on line to look for a visual for a Celebrity Look Alike Family Feud themed blog, and that was the beginning of the deterioration of my well being. People. There are not only people out there who look and act just like us, but I learned that there are animals that look like us as well. Doesn't sit so well, does it?
Keep going. There's proof. You've always got to have some proof if you want to make yourself nuts.

This one is supposed to look like Paris Hilton. I don't think this one would ever make it on the Pets Who Look Like Celebrities Edition of Family Feud. It's just not close enough for me.

And because you really really love kittie pictures:

So Yah. Today I wasted some time. And now I've done it to you.
Now that I think about it, It was sort of fun wasting your time. All the pleasure, none of the guilt. Kind of like spending other peoples money. And just for visual effect, I think I'll waste some space at the bottom of this blog.
See you next time.
Geez Louise, Funky Cat's a dead ringer.
Wonder if it has a horrendous southern accent.
I found my twin once (NOT in animal form)in an early 70's sports illustrated photo (NOT the swimsuit edition and sorry to all you visual people for the mere suggestion).
Some chick who looked like me with a cigarette in one hand and a cocktail in the other. Confirmed to me that I would for sure never find my self in that situation since she already had dibs on that parallel life.
Have been out of town and without access to a computer but want you to know that I totally gave a shout out to you and Team Williams on the 17th.
Loved Shawn's comment. Tee-hee. You really need to blog about that experience. Could be a record setter in insecurity blinkies. See, I know how to motivate.
Words can't even express how much I missed being at the sibling reunion (invited or not - oh,yes, I'm going there.)
thanks for the comment carrie arrie. I just KNEW you must be gone. And beleive me, you were missed at the sb reunion
My unfortunate (not animal) look-alike experience took place about 16 years ago at a check-out stand in Virginia. The checker, whom I had never met before, mistakenly thought I was someone else and told me, "Honey, you aren't looking so good today. In fact you look terrible. You look just like Carrie in that horror show." Somehow I was able to leave without crying. So apparently, on a day when I am tired and not wearing makeup, I look just like some other woman who lives in Virgina--at least some other woman who is looking like Sissy Spacek all horrified as Carrie. (I wouldn't mind looking like Sissy Spacek as Sissy Spacek.)
p.s. On your next truly bored day, you could try out Facebook. You can waste hours and hours on that site.
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