Friday, February 13, 2009

Bring on the Government Intervention

When we were dating, the Tim-o-tee used to say that when people got old, their blood was brown.

Really? Is this what you say to a beautiful girl to get her to marry you? Really?

He loved my horrified reaction. So he tried to think of more horrifying things to reel me in. Like this: I think the government should withhold food and medication from the elderly. I would giggle and then he would nod his head and then hold his mouth all serious and not blink. It was all a ruse to get me to touch him. I would give him a little push and then he would grab my hand and not give it back. Then he would say: Think of all the money that would save. BILLIONS!! He'd always say billions like it really was going to happen.

Really? I'm trying to get to know you, and now I know you want the government to kill old people? Really?

This last weekend I spent with Tim's siblings and his mother at the sibling rivalry reunion. The mother is getting old. The siblings are getting old. The one and only non sibling (me) is getting old. I noticed bad backs and gray hairs and bottles of pills. And I think I saw brown blood when I had a hangnail go bad on me.

It's so like Tim to go before his blood got brown.

I need to go sit on the couch now.

PS IF any of you out there are a future employer, please know the writer of this blog does not, nor ever will condone withholding food or medication from the elderly at the hands of the government of the United States of America or at the hands of anyone else including yourself. This blog has never been political, and never will be because I'm only about stupid things(exceot for the posts about my grankids, those are FAR from stupid). But, I just started thinking about that title up there, and then I started thinking about all you wackies out there who might read this thing and then I started thinking about how people might get the wrong idea and not know it's supposed to be a joke, A JOKE and now I find myself in the middle of this here big ol' disclaimer. Oh boy, now I'm just making myself even more tired and now I'm going to REALLY sit on the couch, and fall asleep with the remote in my hand and I'm going to cradle it in my arms like it is a little tiny baby with bright happy red blood.



leigh said...

brown blood sounds gross. i love you.

Carolyn said...

Yes, brown blood sounds gross.

But this was a sweet post. It made me miss Tim, and I didn't know him all that well. I could just see him flirting with you and saying BILLIONS.