These are my beloved parents Dick 'n' Bertie. My daughter in law Larsa has been known to call them 'the Hinckleys' because of Dick's somewhat resemblance to Gordon B. Just in case you don't see the resemblance please know that it's you, because my Dad was asked to play him in a movie. Biggest Fattest Lie. Gotcha.
Here's a couple more snaps that we got at the big fancy bash:
Now who else can pull off horizontal stripes and be 71/2 month's pregnant?
And down below yonder we have the newlyweds and Dubers blocking out his lovely wife with his big fat ferocious head.

And this little cutie sang "I'm trying to be like Jesus" for us all. I believed her completely.

And this lil' darlin' had some fancy fruit in a fancy cup with a fancy spoon and than had some fancy chicken fingers. And then her Grandma ate her up with a fancy 60th wedding anniversary gold plated spoon.
No one cried. OK. I had the voice quiver but that's not really crying.
The Chicken Cord On Bluuu was delicious.
Every child, grandchild, and greatgrandchild happened to be there. And spouses. Every single one.
They did a little Anniversary Waltz during the Anniversary Waltz song and the Bertie was grinning like no other.
I wore a new shoe. (and my boot but that's not a highlight)
My granddaughters slathered me with hugs and kisses and love and lap sittings. I had not seen them for 6 months. Too long.

No one's cell phone rang which really really REALLY pleased my mother. And it had absolutely nothing to do with her edict before the party.
My dad was smiling the entire time.
I was reminded that having parents who stay married for 60 years is a wonderful thing to give a child, even when that child is 53. Thanks Mom and Dad. I love you both.
*When someone would ask the Timmers how long he was married, he would always say: 10 (or whatever number it was) Long Hard Years. In a Richard Nixon voice. Then he'd look over at me and laugh his head off. And then he would shake his jowls back and forth. So make sure you read the title of this freaking blog in a Richard Nixon voice, and then laugh your head off. And don't forget the jowl shake. Just a tip.
that is so sweet and what a FUN party! your parents are the cutest things ever!
ok...so when does Leigh have to leave? I MUST see her!!!
I think Tim probably still does his Richard Nixon voice when the folks around him ask about your marriage - and I bet he still laughs his head off.:)
Here's to the next 60----and on to infinity---I mean eternity
I finally caught up! Some pregnant lady at this restaurant told me to look into this widow's blog. So I started at the beginning and have finally arrived. You should know that I have only read this blog when I should have been sleeping or writing a brief for law school. I have officially wasted over an hour and loved every minute of it. I should encourage you to stop blogging so I could get some work done, but I can't. So blog away! Five stars! Woot!
PS--I am sorry about that "hour wasted" comment, and it needs to be amended. I have wasted an hour today. The total number of hours wasted far exceeds one. Thank you.
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