Friday, March 21, 2008


I'm sitting here looking at the blank create blog page, and now I'm a wondering what in the heck am I going to say in this thing? I eat, I sleep, I watch tv, I quilt, I walk around, I drive sometimes, I read blogs, I waste time, I take pills, and this is all interesting to folks? My neice Annie, who writes one clever blog, and posts every day (which I really really really like...big fat hint to my kids) said in one of her comments (after I had made a comment), "Auntie Mary, Why don't you make the world a better place and start a freaking blog already?" Being 52, I quite liked this validation from a young, hip, pretty, 20 something and I was tempted. I mean, she is my daughter's age, and she liked me, she really really liked me. What are the chances?
But then I thought to myself, Hey Self, you eat, you sleep, you watch ALOT of TV, you sew, you walk around, you drive sometimes, you read blogs, you wish your kids would blog more, you RELISH wasting time, you take pills, and you go to the Dr. What could be more clever than that? Be positive about your life, Self. Others will find scintillating what you think about walking around and taking pills. They'll read about it and then they'll want to comment on your blog, and then you can add one more thing to your life: reading blog comments. I'm all about growth.
Then today, I was blog dropping again (I really need to get a life) and I had made a comment on Annie's blog again (again, evidence of needing a life...but FYI, I WOULD LOVE to make comments on my OWN kid's blogs if they ever blogged their sorry little blogs once in a while) and someone who commented on Annie's blog commented on my comment on Annie's blog. The commenter said she said she blew water out her nose when she read my comment.
I've got to admit, I kind of liked the power of getting someone to snort water out their nose. I read her comment about 6 times. In between each time, I kind of sat in front of my computer feeling that tingley little feely you feel when someone snorts ANYthing out their nose because of you. I start thinking that I am somebody pretty dang special. Water snorting powers. This is big. Big enough to blog about.
So everybody, I'm kind of a big deal. Thus the blog.


Matt said...

oh mom. a whole blog to guilt me into posting more on my were always creative in punishing your children -heehee. Well, I think it will make the world a better place. You are one funny mamacita. I love you and good luck. Let me know when you hit a wall and don't feel like blogging for a whole month like I did/do!!

Debbie said...

Welcome--welcome to the blog world. I am way boring and not near as funny as you, but the blog thing is fun. Blog stalking is captivating. Reading up on all the neices and nephews is great. Glad you joined us. I told Kasey blogs are for the young. She assured me that old people blog, too. So I joined the blog world and am having fun. I have even begun to think when something happens--hey-that would be fun blog. That's scary. I've become--one of them.


Thank you, all two of you, for commenting on my blog. I AM a big deal. I just knew it. And Leigh, I live to guilt you.

Annie said...

Behold, an Easter miracle!

Oooo...don't be suprised if I blog about your blog. BLAWG.

And the only thing that brought me greater joy than knowing you had started a blog was hearing that I may somehow have aided and abetted you guilting your children into blogging more.



See leigh, everyone wants you to blog. EVERYONE. The whole world wants it. Hersey Pennsylvania wants it. I'm really leaving this comment so that there's lots of comments and so it looks like everyone knows I'm a big deal. Cracking myself up here.

amanda said...

aunt mary, you ARE a big deal. sheesh..maybe i should consider commenting on my own blog a few times to up those comment numbas..


Amanda, If I would have been drinking something, it would have come out my nose. You have snorting power sister friend. And now I have 7 comments. Don't tell me it doesn't count if I make half of them. My reality is real.

Kristen said...

My dear Annie posted this link on her page, and of course I had to check it out.

Can I feel special that my completely true statement from your comment on her blog pushed you over the blogger edge? I hope so - and I've been a secret fan of your comments for awhile, but the Full House thing is the funniest, mainly because it stuck that chord in me that only Uncle Jessie could.

Happy blogging - don't be a stranger and come over to my blog sometime as well! Less water snortage, but hope it makes you smile!

Beth said...

Yay for Auntie Mary. I am giddy with happiness and look forward to many of my own hours wasted as I giggle my way through your blog posts. Yipee!!


To My new best friend Kristen,
You make me feel like the biggest deal ever, and now, I formally thank you. Please always be drinking something. Snorting becomes you, and now I'm drunk with snortpower. I will visit your blog till it dies.
To my cutest of Beth's,
Oh don't you be fooled. I've been peering at your blog, only was too inscure to comment. But now I'm drunk with snortpower, And comment I must. The rose from Doug to your daughter on valentines day made me clutch my heart in a way that I only do while watching Jane Austin movies.


Has anyone noticed that I now have 11 comments counting this one? I'm not sure, but is it against blogging ediquite (spelled that wrong for sure) to brag about your comment numbers? Am I being a blog clod? Too Bad. I'm over 50 and I can do what I want.

Taryn said...

Number 12! Keep blogging, baby!

Shalyse said...

numero 13! I am so P.Oed I didn't get this link until today...too many missed days of this BLOG BIRTH! WELCOME!