Thursday, October 15, 2009


Tonight, with Mitch and Gloria, I decided to play "Who is Your Worst Celebrity Ever?" I had to come right down here and tell you about it..... Because I've been gone along time (more about that later) (and Limon is a lonely bachelor who's comment made me want to blog again...don't get all excited you's not like that....he's like 26 years old and he knows my kids....but he has a funny blog....and I like to read the precious gems that are 30 months apart...) ANYWAY


So, guys, let's play "Who is Your Worst Celebrity Ever?" (Make that sound of the crowd roaring right NOW)

Mommacita: Mariah Carey


she wonders why I am so obsessed with her, and because I'm sick of her tight clothes. When I say I'm sick, I mean I want to throw a brick through the TV because there is nothing clever about a way too tight pink tank top and a pair of way too tight jeans and high heels. Yes, Mariah, we SEE you. Wish we could just HEAR you. And by the way, that was the only picture I was willing to publish of her because of her sleazy little outfits that she buys at Maripoza. Meee-ow

Mitch: Tyra Banks

She is annoying. And because everything that comes out of her mouth is dim-witted (I inserted the word dim-witted for his actual word, because I found his real word offensive to those who are actually this way. You can count on me to save you from anything unpleasant, disagreeable, or impertinent. You're welcome)


Gloria: Tom Arnold

As you can see, there is no picture. I just couldn't bring myself to download one of him. Honestly, when she said Tom Arnold, I thought to myself, "Why didn't I say Tom Arnold?"


Oh, Wow, Because of everything. Because of the movies he is in, because of what he says, because of EVERYTHING that is Tom Arnold. (this is not verbatim, however, I think I caught the upshot of what she really feels about T. A.)

So now you know what I did tonight. Limon, I hope I have filled the emptiness.



Wow. Mommacita. You're Back! So glad you came out of your cave. You are one klassy blogspotter.

Jake said...

I would say Barney and the lead Wiggle.

Obviously I now run with a different ring of celebrities...

JuJu said...

High Five on Mariah Carey and Tyra. I'd have to add:
Lindsay Lohan
Randy Jackson. WHAT'S UP DAWG.

Charlene said...

Oh, Mommacita, I thought you'd say Michael Phelps, because of the wonderful example he's given to the world of classiness and good health.

But, I have to agree with you choosing Mariah - girl, get some clothes on that fit!

Limon said...

Thank you soooo much!!! You don't realize that I have your blog on my bookmarks at the top of my browser and I have checked MULTIPLE times each day to see if you have posted. I know, I'm lame. But now that you've posted, I get to take you off of my W.C.E. list!

Oh, and I would choose anyone made famous by a reality TV show, including, but not limited to Spencer and Heidi, and Jon and Kate (plus 8). I don't watch their shows, but why do I even know who they are?

jtibs said...

I'm kind of agreeing with Jon and Kate...especially Kate for some reason. Hair- sick and wrong. Attitude- makes you think she deserves what she got. Nagging/Selfishness/Yelling/Publicity seeking/Meanie- really makes you think she deserves what she got.

Oh, and also all those ladies on the View- especially Joy. So annoying.

Debbie said...

I just love everyone. Everyone deserves a chance. Spread the wealth---I mean the love.

Glo said...

how can you guys hate jon and kate more than tom arnold???

cbbugbug said...

I'll see your Mariah Carey and Tom Arnold and raise you an Alec Baldwin.
I'm sure hundreds of Mommacita readers will defend him on grounds of humor. And I'm not saying he isn't funny - all reports and teeny little snippets that I have been subjected to would indicate that he's found a real niche there that comes naturally (though I wouldn't know personally of anything longer than a snippet in the last few years because I refuse to watch him, and anything prior to 30 Rock ranged from simply not funny to totally obnoxiously disgusting), but the level he sunk to with his own family is enough to earn him this award on an international level.
And on a lighter note, so glad to have you back Mommacita!

Kristen said...

You're back, baby!!!

Hmm...This is a tough one. WIYWCE would have to be: Kanye West.

Do I have to say why? I think we all know why...and not just the poopy thing he did to Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Awards. He's a class A Bleep Bleep.

My word verification is rantict. As in, could you rantict anymore about Kanye? Yes, yes I could.

Charlene said...

mommacita - have you fallen off the face of the earth? Where are you witty comments on life, love and cute baby grandsons?

I'm having withdrawals....

OPORG said...