Anyway, today we went to the beach. We walked in the door around 8:15, and I checked the computer. I don't know why...maybe it was because of the habit I developed long ago when kids were overly tired and they had to get ready for bed and I tried to run and hide somewhere. It didn't work then, but it's really working for me now.
I digress... I check the computer. The King of Pop was dead. I yelled out to the household (without regard for the feelings of others) MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD. Gasps ensue. And then I read the article that accompanied the headline. It stated that people would remember this day forever, that they would remember exactly where they were when they heard that the King of Pop had died, like unto when JFK was assinated.
So I thought I might share. I did a poll. This is where everyone was when they found out Michael Jackson, the King of Pop was dead:
In front of the computer hiding like a baby.
Running up the stairs to fetch jammies
In the bumbo.
Laying vertically on the stairs, moaning about how she didn't want to put on her pajamas and that she would just sleep there. Her head was on a different stair than the rest of her and was cocked to the left so it would fit on the stair. You know, like a pillow. (Just for the record, I had just asked the two girls if I could help them by doing eveything for them (all they had to do was lay there) and wailing ensued. Thus the hiding.)
In the kid's bathroom, with Vulcan grip on a screaming Sophie trying to force her to brush her teeth.
In the kid's bathroom, in her father's Vulcan grip, squeezing the bubble gum flavored toothpaste as hard as she could so that there was a soft serve sized blob of toothpaste running down the side of the tube. Oh yeah, and she was vehemently defending her right to do it herself.

It appears that MJ loved purple AND kitties. Booyah.
So ya. I'm dying to know, but only because it's like unto the JFK assasination. Where were you?
PS. Tonight we sat around the TV and watched MTV's continuous looping of Michael Jackson videos. We had so much fun remembering our lives as each song brought up memories of what was happening when the particular song was popular. I loved watching him move. He was a truly talented and gifted soul. Rest In Peace MJ, and teach Timmers to dance by the time I get there, would you?
I was in the car with Annalisa in the Tai Pan parking lot, she was nursing Annie, mitch text me and julia called annalisa at the same exact time...
I don't think I would have remembered where I was, but now after reading your post I will. It will go onto my mental list of where I was when... right under where was I on 9/11. Somehow it just feels wrong...
We were at the Hampton Inn in Myrtle Beach, there to see Jonny Lang in concert. The bad sang tributes to him.
I can't believe it.
In my kitchen, 2:30 PM, getting ready to load the lunch dishes in the dishwasher. Turned on the radio to listen to Dr. Laura, instead they were doing live coverage from the ABC affiliate, "Michael Jackson has died" repeated over and over and over. Got tired of hearing it and turned on an FM channel.
Not very memorable, huh?
...being lazy, laying on the couch of course. I don't have chores to do and children to take care of. I will always remember because I don't take a vacation from my household duties a lot just to be lazy.
I was on the treadmill at the gym (good for me right...) and saw the story on the tv about MJ in a Coma then glanced back moments later to see the news that he had died. Everyone in there was scrambling to plug headphones into the tv receptors. I then took it upon myself to finish out the mile and leave to call Glo.
I was at Disneyland sitting outside the bathroom in Adventure room waiting for everyone to finish their business while staring at the sign for the Tiki Room and thinking, that might be a nice break to the regular rides and mile long lines. Chris, who is an ipod man told me and then all of a sudden it seemed that everyone at D-land was talking about him and Miss Fosset. I should feel abashed for my lack of concern, but I really don't care and feel more sympathy toward his debtors who will never see that 500 million he owes and all of those morons who bought tickets to a show they'll never see.
I saw a news reel on and said, 'Matt -I think MJ is dead!' and he was like, no way, that has to be wrong or it would be all over the news (cuz wives are always making up that pop stars are dying). Then we turned on the tv and the news was EVERYWHERE about his death. I, like becky, thought it wasn't a huge thing. He didn't seem that happy and his face was falling off. But I feel bad for his family who cared for him.
I just saw this blog as I was voting for another blog so I thought I would tune in...glad I did....
I happened to be at my computer here in southern California bouncing back and forth between Twitter and MSN so I was "cutting edge" on the news...nothing beats Twitter for up-to-date celeb deaths....
This is a great post, by the way....
Good luck in the voting....
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