Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Random bits of Freakishness

So I just have a few ribbons of thought that are twirling around in my head and may not be important to you, but I, on the other hand must like them because I'm throwing them at you like a tabloid throws information that you never needed, never wanted, and never asked for.

1. Speaking of tabloids, have any of you had enough of these two?

I am so sick sick SICK TO DEATH of being assaulted by their shenanigans when I am paying for my groceries. Quit the show and get your stinking stuff together and Pah Leeeeeeeze leave me out of it.

2. Speaking of groceries, a few days ago I purchased two of these

I purchased two of them because I was attracted to the giantsizedness and the freshness of them. They did not disappoint. I cooked them both together, thinking I would save one for the next day. They never saw the next day. Delish ee moseo. I suggest you go out right this second and get a giant sized artichoke for your eating pleasure.

3. Speaking of pleasure, I have a good one for you. Is Blogging Narcissistic?

Because I'm getting kind of sick of talking about me me me. My thoughts. My ideas. My world. My chocolate messes. My broken feet. My My My. Why should you care? I'm not so fond of the narcissists of the world. So now, am I one... because I am so self absorbed that I thought you would care about the fact that I don't like narcissists, even though now I might be one because I write this freaking blog? When I went to find the above visual on google, a bunch of sites came up about how to tell a narcissist on Facebook or MySpace. I learned just from reading the blips that Narcissists always put glamour shots of themselves on their pages. Well. That made me feel better, because 1st of all, I don't own a glamour shot and second of all I try like the dickens to keep my picture off this thing, for certain reasons that will remain unknown to you so I don't look like a narcissist.

4. Speaking of Dickens,

Today I was rummaging around in a closet, doing my favorite pastime of chucking stuff, and I came across a book entitled "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare"

I think to myself, "Hey Narcissist, you could probably profit from reading this book.People you admire have been know to quote this writer." And then I think "Where did this book come from anyhow, because I don't remember buying it?"

I concluded that one of my kids hit the jackpot when they married because they married someone who actually owns a book of this type, who actually travels with this book, and the in-law probably left it here on purpose maybe when they might of had a child born here under this roof, and they left it here to try and help me. Kind of like the Gideons and the Bibles in the hotels. When I read the book, I might be able to write more better, (see two sentences ago) and think more better (see content of this entire blog). But I'll still probably be a Narcissist because now that I realize that blogging might be narcissistic and if I continue blogging then that will mean my involment with this Freaking Blog makes me a you know what.

Geez, it's a lot of work being me sometimes.



Glo said...
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Glo said...

I do not think jon and kate are tabloid worthy, to me they are in the same boat as michelle obama (and her stupid arms) and the octomom. They have done nothing worthy of occupying my US Weekly magazine covers and they are not celebrities!

JuJu said...

I love reading about YOU, so keep it coming!
And, I must get an artichoke!!

Beth said...

Ditto to the whole Jon and Kate business. Oh, and I just had me an artichoke the other night. It was faboo. One more thing, we haven't heard about your booted feet lately. I am hoping that they are free and easy for summer romping.


As free and easy as a Dansko can be

leigh said...

mom, thats my book. Yes, that's right...not my spouses. I like to read Billy S. sometimes. Its at your house because I couldn't fit it in my suitcase to the bahamas. PLEASE DO NOT CHUCK/SELL/GIVE AWAY THAT BOOK. Love you!

Jenny said...

No, its my book. I love Billy S. He speaks to my soul. I am the sophisticated child (and I guess I also inherited a little narsicism).