Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dimples and Bunnies and Me. Never Thought I'd Want to Say That

Somebody (Benjamin Timothy) is a Chub-a-Lub, and there are dimples involved. First, there are dimples on both knees. I've heard of dimples on both knees, but I've never seen dimples on both knees. Here is a knee dimple in case you've never experienced it either: (towel strategically placed and you can thank me later Benniebob)

Next there are dimples on the right hand

And then there are dimples on the left hand (although this is a right hand picture too, but I'm banking on the facts that

1-- you know I'm all about artistic license and

2-- I was left with two right hand pictures after wrestling wiggly naked baby)

Next there are dimples (2) on the left elbow.....

And then there are dimples on the right elbow (got both pictures this time and this looks like it might be something else, say on first glance, but guess again because I'm not that kind of Mommacita so look to the left of the picture and you will see a face and remind yourself this is an ELBOW dimple and that will orient you.... you're welcome......)

Are you in dimple heaven? Yeah. Me too. I tried to fill the dimples in with kisses but they were too numerous and they were too deep.
And if that's not enough to blow your mind, here are some little girl with bunnies shots (which can rivel kittie pictures in some minds):

First, a bunnies-make-my dreams-come-true bigger girl:

And next a smaller but inwardly awestruck girl (who happened to think it was her birthday when she got dressed that morning):

I stood in line 30 minutes at Baby Animal Days just so bigger and smaller girls could have a crack at holding bunnies. Dimple Baby sat in the stroller like a perfect dimpled angel.
I also was just as excited as they were when they got to ride ponies Chip and Misty. And I was even more excited that they sprayed each helmet with lice spray inbetween riders.
Yep. Grandma of the Year. And I'm not ashamed to toot it.
Go ahead and leave all kinds of comments about how lucky I am.



jakeandlacey said...

You ARE lucky! You've got some super cute grand kids! :)

Jenny said...

BennieBob's dimples (and his siblings) are missing you! They are drying out in this desert climate and needing more grandma kisses. Maybe we'll just have to come up where the air is a bit more velvety and moist. We miss you!

Jenny said...

Oh yeah...and thanks for folding all my laundry. You are so great.

[AnnieR] said...

Oh Benniebob and his dimples are the cutes! And my heart aches a little whenever I see pics of Gracie and Sophie because I just know how much fun my girls would have with them.

Beth said...

Oooh, how I love the baby dimples. The more the better in my opinion. And those lovely ladies are just as precious as can be. You are one lucky grandmacita that is for sure!

Taryn said...

you are very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Well, mommacita, you are one lucky duck but you would be even luckier if you came back East for our Regional Family Reunion on the 4th of July. I am sure there will be more dimples coming from a foreign land and we would have so much fun. Just a thought. Saginaw is only 4 1/2 hours from us and we are sure hoping Leigh and crew will be able to buzz down for the festivities. Just dandling a carrot!!! Favorite Auntie