Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gratitude, Poof, Spanx.

I have been writing a weekly email for the women that go to my church.  After wishing everyone happy birthday and putting in an uplifting quote and sharing everybody's good news and including a  calendar with items such as a nativity festival that is needing nativities to display,  (its borderline oxymoronic) I finished the email with my own little list of what I’m grateful for. 

 “A 10 Little Things Mommacita is Grateful for Which is Not an All Inclusive List”  is the title I gave this list.  And there was no premeditation for this list.  I made it  up as I went along.  And it shows.  Not a lot of thought went into it......OK???????

 This is not to say I’m not grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of family and friends and a body that works most of the time, and all the other big things that bless my life... Of COURSE I am grateful for those.  So don't get all harummmmphed and call me out on my dumb gratitude list.  Even if you are tempted.  Which I’m sure you’re not. Even though I just implied that you were.

I made this list to keep people reading the emails.  The women seem to need a bit of fluff and poof amidst their calendar items for the week to keep them from hitting the delete button or worse yet the send this to spam button.   I have since tweaked the list to make it blogworthy.  I hate to insult my readers, all 5 of you, but lets be like a little fluff and poof yourself.  

I hope I'm not saying anything wrong when I say fluff and poof.  I really am making this up as I'm going along. If it is an innuendo for something awful I do it in innocence.  Forgiveness mandatory and let us never speak of this again.

Soooooo-oo, Since I have not given you a blog yet, and since it is already written, and since I am lazy, and since you're saying to yourself "What the heck Mommacita just give us the silly list, because don't you think we deserve it after all this silliness, sometimes you drive us crazy with all your fluff and poofiness",  I give to you a very unspecial list:


 “10 Little Things Mommacita is Grateful for Which is Not an All Inclusive List”
  1. A warm house on a windy, rainy, putrid  Sunday night, And my calendar says I can stay out of the wind and the rain and the pue and the trid.  This was not the case tonight, but maybe someday it will be.
  2. Family ties- just knowing I have some is good.
  3. Skin perfecting make-up.  And I promise next week's blog will not even have the work MAKE-UP in it.  Because I'm just as sick of this subject as you are.
  4. A monthly day of beauty which is really just a haircut and a color 
  5. Gas is not 10 bucks a gallon
  6. Ice.  Yes.  I love ice.  In my beverages.  And yes.  It’s a REALLY little thing.  And by the way, I am grateful for a hot shower with just as much passion.
  7. 4 granddaughters and 3 grandsons who like me.  It’s the liking me part that I’m grateful for.  This is not a little thing and technically should not be on this list but I’m a grandmother and have to talk about them.  It’s the law.  
  8. When I go to Costco and the rain lets up while I’m loading my car. Any Northwesterner understands this  and if you are a NWer then we are soul sisters on this one
  9. Good TV.  I just loves me some good TV.  Oh yeah, and books. And algebraic equations.  OK, I lied a teensy here but I refuse to tell you where.
  10.  Eyes that are ABLE to read without Reading glasses but still have the OPTION to read WITH reading glasses if I want to or need to.  Sheesh this is tiring
  11. Spanx.  And I know that’s 11 on a list that says 10 in the title.  But how could I not be Thankful for something that does so much for so many who need a little help here and there?  Spanx are truly a compassion based unmentionable.  If I happened to be an unmentionable, I might look to Spanx as a role model. 

There are more, but as you can see, this list is a little scary because I think I just said that I would use a girdle as a role model. Stream of consciousness is the devil. 

 I will spare you any more, “10 Little Things Mommacita is Grateful for Which is Not an All Inclusive List” items  which will put my act of sparing you at the top of YOUR  “10 Little Things you the READER  is Grateful for Which is Not an All Inclusive List”  

You the READER have bad grammar.  Just saying.

I'm just tired now.


Emily said...

I have to talk in Pringle ward next sunday on Gratitude. I think I'll just read your list of 10-11 things and then say AMEN. That should do the trick!


People will think you wear Spanx Emily