So much for my new years resolution to stay out of Dr.'s Offices, thus not having to pay them.
I didn't let myself get too worked up about it, because I've been through this before.... while Timmers was having chemotherapy. It was a cyst then, so let's all conclude that it's a cyst now, right? I slept through the night with that thought rolling around my head. Along with this thought creeping around the edges: chemo by yourself...what a blast that would prove to be.
Yesterday I went in for the redo rodeo.
OK. I'm just telling you right here, right now, when you go in for the redo, the object is to smash you three times further with twice the grip. I seriously thought that when I stepped back from the mammography machine that I would look at the plate and I would be seeing my smashed mammo-grified part sitting there without a skin tag removed with clippers. Mister, just thinking about that can smart like the dickens. Makes your spine curl, don't it?
Anyway, so as not to worry you any further, I got an A- on the redo, along with the ultra sound. I am fine.
However, I didn't realize how worried I might of been about it until I woke up this morning with a headache. (And now you know TWO pieces of Hippa information about me.) It was one of those post stress headaches, the kind that you get when you are carrying around too much baggage
So I've kind of been babying myself today. Laying on the couch, watching TV, and I even treated myself to some chocolate covered almonds, because we Sisters deserve the Chocolate after having had double the mammograms in one week. It's the Mommacita rule.
Around 4 o'clock, I talk myself into going to the grocery store. I think I need strawberries. So I drag my headachy self to Winco. As soon as I get in the store, I discover I have to visit the ladies room. So off I go. As I'm washing my hands I look in the mirror, and in my reflection, right above the V in my V necked t-shirt I see a two bruises.
Well I am just furious. I don't think we should go around bruising our Ladies there.
So I very lightly touch one of the bruises. As I run my finger over my skin, I notice that the bruise follows my finger. In fact, it was a bruise that transferred to the bottom of my finger. It was one of those transferring bruises? Wha?
It's Chocolate. Melted Melty Chocolate. I've been walking around in public with an ink blot stain made out of chocolate on my chest. And let's not even be discussing how an ink blot shaped chocolatey schmear was tattooed on me, front and center. I have endured enough trauma.
I am admitting I am far too ridiculous to ever again talk in a disparaging manner about people who frequent Walmart. Even if they have digestive issues and are standing by me in line.
And Schneebers, after hearing this story, I think you just might prefer that I wear my pajamas in public. You know. Instead of the plethora of alternatives.