Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today, While the Blossom Still Clings to the Vine

Today I gave what I thought was a beautifully prepared church lesson to 5 year olds. Towards the end of the lesson the most well mannered child in the class said "Are we ever going to do anything fun in here?"

Today a five year old asked me how old I was. I said 53. "Is that almost a hundred?" He asked. Yes I said. Yes it is.

Today I went to the home of a kid from the class to drop off something to color. It was my first time to meet him. He opened the door and announced: "I'VE GOT A VIRUS". I took a step back. "I"VE BEEN POOPING EVEN ON MY CHAIR." I couldn't stop myself from thinking: Wait just a minute here, you don't even know my name.

Today I was invited to someones house for dinner at 6:00. I was languishing on my bed all afternoon, because I'm almost a hundred, I'm not that fun, and I've been exposed to a virus, an alarming virus that carries potential to dismantle furniture. Amidst my languishment, I made sure to keep my eye on the clock so I would not be late for dinner. I realize that being too lazy (a couple of weeks ago) to go downstairs and dig out the Phillips screw driver so I could undo the back of the clock to "spring forward" has come back to bite me once again.

Today I was watching the wrong clock.



Glo said...

This makes my day. Two days after daylight savings i had not changed our bathroom clock, or my car clock, and i had a really confusing hour because of it.

Charlene said...

oh, dear, to have such a day with a bunch of five year olds, and miss dinner is a tragic tale of woe. Hopefully you had some chocolate to improve your mood, hiding among the expired cereal boxes....

JuJu said...

I hope you were able to get something tasty to eat?
I remember singing this song at Girl Scout Camp. Thanks for the memories!

Anonymous said...

What do you have going for you when you're almost one hundred??

leigh said...

Hi mom. I love poop stories, you know that -so good blog. Miss you.