Have you ever been walking from Walmart the store to Walmart the parking lot and you're walking along in your two Frankenstein boots very very slowly because you are 99.99% certain that your other foot broke earlier today when you were going down the stairs to retrieve your boots that you left there last night after watching 20/20 and you're walking to your car, again in the Walmart Parking lot and one of the bags breaks and your newly purchased toilet seat goes hurdling in a skidding fashion across the parking lot and rests about 20 feet away from you and you have to hobble hobble hobble over to it and you find yourself bending down in the Walmart Parking lot to pick up a shrink wrapped toilet seat that was on sale for $18.89 and you seriously consider acting like it's not yours and you think you might hear someone snickering and then you think to yourself does it get any more ghetto than this and then you pick it up but you don't check it for scratches because who holds their new toilet seat up in the Walmart Parking lot and checks it out?
You have? Really?
We live in a parallel universe just so you know.
I've been laughing for the past 3.5 minutes.
*This was NOT the post I was expecting today. wink wink.
Ok, after reading this out loud to Go and not being able to get through it, this is officially the funniest post I've ever read.
Your Walmart is way more exciting than mine~~~
seriously...call me next time you head to wally-world. you always have some amazing experiences! :-)
at least its not kmart and a kmart parking lot.
oh my word. THAT is the most hilarious mental picture I've got in my head!
When I was about 38 weeks pregnant with Rhys (and I delivered at 38 weeks and 1 day) I went shopping at Walmart and got all the basic necessities including a big huge megaroll Charmin TP pack that took up all the space on the bottom of the cart. As I was pushing the cart and my gigantic self out, I lost the toilet paper and didn't even notice until I got to my car. I was so tired and huge I couldn't be bothered to walk the 50 steps or so to backtrack and see if I could find the toilet paper (to give myself a bit of credit, I worked fulltime and was getting groceries around 10pm). So I just got in my car and left. Pathetic.....
So maybe that made you feel a bit better?????
every time I visit Annie's blog, I have to click on your link because you are so darn hilarious! So, thanks for letting me lurk and enjoy your funny commentaries.:0)
I have been trying to decide if I should comment since I found your blog by snooping around the 6 la la's blog and felt almost like I was evesdropping on your life. First I had to figure out who this "Mommacita" was. It didn't take long after reading a few entries. What I didn't realize was how amazingly hilarious you are. I think I knew this years ago, but somehow the Texas sun cooked the memory out like when you leave a pan of water on the stove for too long and forget to add the Ramen Noodles. Anyway, I will be keeping up with you, your boot and your trips to Walmart from here on out...hope that is okay! If not, lock your freaking blog!
Oh how I wish I could have witnessed that. Although, the image in my head is pretty dang funny.
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